Avocado is good for health

Avocado is good for health

Top Vitamin Mart

Although many people did not think the avocado is a kind of healthy food, but it does contain a lot of nutrition. In addition to provide some essential vitamins and minerals, avocados also helps the body absorb more nutrients from other foods. The followings are some of the health benefits about avocado.

The avocado is a kind of particularly good food for nervous system, because they contain vitamin A, C and B, so can very good maintenance of neurotransmitter function. Avocado contains calcium and magnesium helps the body to maintain calm and improve sleep quality, these nutrients are essential to ensure the normal function of the nervous system. Not only related to nervous system health, avocados also in a variety of ways to promote heart health. It contains potassium, folic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids help reduce cholesterol levels, thus reducing the chance of heart attack. In addition, avocados also contains a lot of vitamin E and glutathione, these two kinds of materials are with the role of skin whitening, commonly used as cosmetics raw materials, often eat avocado is contribute to skin beauty, anti-aging and so on.

Although many people think that avocado’s fat content is too high, but what should pay attention, these fats also includes Omega 3 and 6, can reduce bad cholesterol levels and give the body energy supply at the same time. Link vitamin B and iron and other components in avocado together, also can ensure that the body absorb more carnitine from red meat, better utilization of fat and maintain triglyceride levels. Eye health can also benefit from avocado. This fruit contains more lutein, therefore is natural food sources of protecting the eyesight health, preventing cataracts and macular degeneration. In the diet contains avocado, which the lutein components can minimize the opportunities of developing into different vision problems.

The avocado is a very good anticancer food. Regular consumption of this fruit can help prevent prostate cancer and breast cancer. In addition, there is some evidence of avocado has lowers oral cancer risk potential benefits. Although not regarded as a cancer treatment, but can be seen as an effect of preventing cancer food choices.

Avocados are not only rich in nutrition, but also contain a large number of healthy essential fatty acid. Although it is a kind of fruit, but the natural fat content is very high, this is the reason that it should not be excluded from the diet. Essential fatty acids for optimal brain function is very important, and has anti-inflammatory and prevention of degenerative diseases effects. According to  glutathione supplier, the avocado is rich in glutathione, so it has strong anti-aging properties, eating fresh fruit or avocado oil can obtain these benefits. Every eat one avocado, avocado contains natural omega-3 fatty acids not only helps to keep young skin, but also contributes to the function of brain. Treating an avocado to use once a week, make it as a mask. The avocado spread throughout the facial skin, for 10-15 minutes after rinse with warm water and dry clean.

Avocado contains natural oils can moisturize and nourish the skin. With avocado oil to massage the skin around the eyes. This oil can reduce wrinkles and make the eyes look younger. Often use avocado oil to massage the skin. This oil is not only helps to soothe and moisturize skin, also can let the skin to absorb nutrients and play anti-aging effects from the intrinsic.

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